Readers Choice Best Jeweler 2014- Mardon!
September 6th, 2014 by James L. Sweaney, CGA, FGA. GGWe’d like to thank our loyal customers for choosing us for the sixth year in a row as the Press Enterprise Reader’s Choice Best Jeweler. We truly appreciate your votes and your confidence in our small but mighty enterprise. The annual Reader’s Choice supplement will be published in tomorrow’s Sunday Press Enterprise.
Small businesses have to evolve to survive. Over the last few years, we’ve been focusing on serving the needs of our community by buying more jewelry from the public. For many reasons, customers come to us with jewelry they need to sell. As a result, our vintage and antique jewelry department has grown substantially.
We’ve developed new skills in working with vintage and antique jewelry in several ways. We’ve expanded our network of experts for restoring vintage and antique items. For example, we can now repair filigree jewelry effectively and can restore damaged enameled jewels.
We’ve greatly expanded our knowledge network so that we can appraise items more accurately. Today’s jewelery appraising requires market data to establish values, so we subscribe to a number of specialty services that research various markets for accurate information.
Along with appraisals, clients sometimes need to resell high ticket items. In some cases, we can buy items outright, in other instances, auctions may be the best solution. We now offer consignment services to auction houses like Sotheby’s and Christies. We handle the listing, appraisal, shipping, and insurance chores that go with selling items at auction.
All in all, this past year has seen growth and economic improvement in our community. Let’s hope the ball keeps rolling! Thanks again for your confidence and loyal support.
Tags: Christie's, jewelry auctions, Sothebys