GIA iD100 Diamond Tester at Mardon Jewelers
March 3rd, 2018 by James L. Sweaney, CGA, FGA. GGMardon Jewelers just acquired the latest diamond testing device from the Gemological Institute of America, the GIA iD100. This desktop instrument uses spectroscopic technology to separate synthetic and imitation diamonds from natural diamonds. The GIA iD100 was developed to inform and protect both jewelers and consumers.
Because of recent technological advances, laboratory grown diamonds are now widely available in sizes suitable for jewelry. Synthetic diamonds aren’t easily identified by normal gemological testing. Most companies label their product with laser etching on the girdle, but unmarked stones are showing up in the market place, posing problems of disclosure.
For centuries, natural diamonds have been valued highly because they are beautiful, durable, and rare. Synthetic diamonds are now being mass produced, so they are not rare. Since synthetic diamonds usually sell for about one third the price of natural diamonds, it’s very important for jewelers to know what they are selling and for consumers to know what they are buying.
The GIA iD100 gives very straightforward results quickly and can used to show consumers whether a diamond is natural or synthetic. Over 98% of natural diamonds are type I while all colorless synthetic diamonds are type II. The tester recognizes the luminescence of type I diamonds and gives them a “Pass”. Synthetic and imitation diamonds generate a “Refer” signal, meaning further study is needed to identify the stone. Type II natural diamonds also referred, but these are very rare. Gemologists usually identify type II natural diamonds by natural inclusions and other characteristics.
As part of our appraisal and buying services, Mardon is proud to offer the latest methods for evaluating jewelry and gems. Even though new technologies like the GIA iD100 are very expensive, we know these investments are worth it in the long run. By keeping up with these new developments, we’re able to offer the best merchandise and expert services available to our clientele.
Tags: diamond simulants, GIA, iD100, imitation diamonds, lab grown diamonds, spectroscopic technology, synthetic diamond, Type I diamonds, Type II diamonds