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Star Sapphire |
2.58 carats total |
6.4 x 5.5 x 3.2mm |
None |
Sri Lanka |
Moderately Strong Medium Dark Blue |
4 - Moderately Strong |
6 - Medium Dark |
Blue |
8 - Fine |
Oval |
Cabochon |
Very Good - 60-75% |
Very Good |
Very Good |
Excellent |
8 - Very Good |
No Clarity Type Classification |
Phenomenon: Asterism |
Description: The "star" effect is created by natural inclusions inside the stone which refract light when polished in the cabochon shape. |
Comments: This wonderful pair features two stones with nice, complete, and sharp stars of similar orientation. It's very hard to find a good match in stones of this quality! |
Overall Quality Grade: Extra Fine 8 |
Stock # I-14003 |
Price: $1,125 |