100% Recycled Gold Comes to Mardon
April 8th, 2009 by James L. Sweaney, CGA, FGA. GGMardon Jewelers is proud to announce a new relationship with the leading “green” refiner in the USA, Hoover & Strong.
Mardon Jewelers has been an active gold recycler for many years, more so recently with the increased activity in the markets for precious metals. Like many jewelers we purchase “old” gold from our clients and send it to our refiner for recycling. See our Blog, Pharaoh’s Gold…
However, we’ve had no way to guarantee that the metal bought from that refiner was only recycled gold—most refiners mix scrap and mined gold to make their products. Now, Mardon Jewelers will feature 100% recycled gold and other precious metals and we’ll put it in writing!
Hoover and Strong of Richmond, VA does not buy any gold from gold mines, instead relying on the Earth’s existing metal supply to create their precious metals products. About half of their gold comes from material they recycle directly from jewelers like Mardon, the rest from refiners like themselves who do not buy from mines and only recycle gold.
Harmony is their exclusive brand of metal products, including gold, platinum and silver casting grains, as well as manufactured gold wires, sheet, settings and components. Harmony precious metal products are guaranteed in writing to be 100% recycled. The Harmony brand also includes diamonds and gemstones are conflict free and ethically sourced. READ MORE at http://www.hooverandstrong.com/category/HARMONY+Metals+and+Gems/
A family owned refiner since 1912, H & S has long been an innovator within this industry. We at Mardon have used certain H & S gold alloys and solders for years—we know the Hoover family business will be a good fit with our Mardon family business.
Mardon will use 100% recycled Harmony casting metals and mill products in making our famous Raincross Collection, our unique Mardon designs, and of course, in the custom items we make for our clients. We’ll feature Harmony settings and components whenever possible in our repairs and restorations of your jewelry. And, we’ll guarantee our work with the Harmony Certificate of Authenticity, your assurance that your gold is 100% recycled.
Tags: eco-friendly, Harmony, Hoover & Strong, recycled gold